The Improvement Plans/Projects provide support to agricultural holdings, for investments aimed at their modernization, at the improvement of production through expansion and at the increase of the value of the produced products and aim at the development and restructuring of the agricultural holdings.
Agrotrust provides services for the preparation of application files for improvement projects to individual producers, cooperative farms, agricultural companies as well as continuous support throughout the implementation of your investment plans.
In May 2022 we expect the Pre-Publication of the Call regarding Improvement Plans. The aim of the new Improvement Plan aid program is to increase of competitiveness of farms and exploitation of appropriate supplies for sustainable farms.
The formal qualifications of the potential beneficiaries of the program will be:
Young farmers will be able to apply for aid, along with a request from the Young Farmers program announced in 2021.
To have completed the 18th year of their age, to have full legal capacity in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and not to have exceeded the 61st year.
To have submitted a Single Declaration of Operation in the year specified in the call for expressions of interest.
Have the status of an active farmer.
Be tax and insurance aware.
Do not be directly retired from any domestic or foreign fund, except in cases of retirement due to disability.
To be registered in the IAEA /MAAE as professional farmers or to be Young Farmers.
Legal entities
To have submitted a Single Declaration of Operation/EAE in the year specified in the call for expressions of interest.
Be tax and insurance up to date.
Have a duration of at least 10 years from the year of submission of the aid application and in any case such as to cover the period of long-term obligations.
Do not go bankrupt, liquidation, compulsory management, liquidation.
Candidate legal entities must have agriculture as their main activity.